
one of those days

When I explain to people what I do for work, the most common response I receive is something along the lines of "That must be a really tough job." I love my job, I have grown in ways that I never thought possible, and I can not wait to grow more in the future. For those of you who don't know what I do, I used to work with children in a partial care and now I work in the Case Management office dealing more with adolescence. Most, if not all, of these children have been abused in some way. For the most part I think I handle my job well, but every now and then you get those days when you hear one too many things. Today was one of those days. I will spare you the details, and simply say that today I love my family.

Here is a tribute to my amazing family. Forgive me for complaining because I couldn't go to a friends house or when you made me do chores (which I was fully convinced only evil parents did), or any time I had to do something I didn't want to do. All members of my family are amazing people. I will forget this fact, but I will have another one of these days to help me realize how much I love them again.

Me, Bridget, Finley, Brad, Shelley, Michael, Iain, and Mother (missing: Cassity and Ryan)

Dad and Bridget. I haven't been home for a few years, and I dont have a picture of my Dad, so I stole this from Bridget's blog.

1 comment:

bradget said...

It looks like Finley doesn't have a head which is a gross misrepresentation because she actually has a huge noggin... poor girl.